Bußgeld Alkohol am Steuer – What to Expect in Germany

If you’re caught driving with alcohol in your system in Germany, you can expect an immediate fine. The Bußgeld Alkohol am Steuer depends on how much alcohol you’ve consumed. For a BAC between 0.5 and 1.09 Promille, you can face a fine of up to 500 Euros and a suspension of your copyright for at least one month. With higher levels of alcohol in your blood, the penalties increase, and you could even face imprisonment.

If you’ve been drinking, always opt for alternative transport to avoid hefty fines and more severe consequences.


Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the most common causes of accidents on the road. In Germany, the law is clear: it’s illegal to drive when intoxicated, and the consequences can be severe. The legal limit for alcohol in the bloodstream is measured in Promille. If you are caught driving under the influence, not only can you face fines, but you may also lose your driver’s license or even face imprisonment in extreme cases. Alkohol am Steuer is something you should never risk.

Remember, the best choice is always not to drive after drinking at all. If you plan to drink, ensure you have a designated driver or use public transport.

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